Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Overdue Return

One of the classes I'm taking in summer school is one that I am long overdue to take: photography. Even though I'm only just now learning how to properly use the little guy after having owned it for 2 years, my expectations for this course to turn me into a National Geographic-level shooter is fairly high; I'm simply brimming with ideas. Since sneakily moving into my grandma's cozy, elderly residence further away from the city-scene, this class has challenged me to travel more and source inspiration from outside my comfort zone. Isn't that where all the best work lies? This was my first time travelling to Chinatown in D.C alone and although I had an uncomfortable amount of social anxiety the whole trip I'm really digging the shots I took. Opening myself to include the bustling energies of couples and kids in my work, I found my anxiety melted right off as I let the environment inspire me. No bobbing and weaving of my lens was required when the accidents were exactly what brought the scenes to life.


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