Tuesday, March 5, 2013

What is in that bag? (Intern Edition)

I was lucky enough to nab an internship with Complete Fashion Magazine (for my work experience) working under  the coolest people ever, aka Franca, Simi and Noble (Editor-in-Chief, Deputy Editor, and Online Editor). This post is about what you are expected to be carrying on you at all times (in my opinion) no matter what aspect of fashion you're working in (even if you don't end up using it).

 Nº1- A laptop ! Doesn't matter what type, what shape, what size.. you just need a laptop

  Nº2- Always have a magazine handy, it can be used for inspiration, mood boards, referencing. Don't forget sunglasses, especially if you're in Nigeria !

Nº3- Always have a notepad and pen ready, you never know when you're gonna have to make quick notes and your laptop isn't in reach.

Nº4- If you're like me and have dry skin, always bring along a moisturizer and SPF to protect you from the Sun! Always have lipstick and mascara ready for a quick touch up before a meeting.

Nº5- Pack something ready made and not so messy, you never know when you're gonna get a call to come in before you've had a bite to eat

P.S. Don't forget to bring a camera !


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